Friday, May 8, 2009

Helping Mothers Around the World

By David Hylton,
Public Relations Specialist

Mothers are the cornerstone of families around the world – a healthy mother means a healthy infant, which leads to healthy families.

At Christian Children’s Fund, our programs give mothers the knowledge and tools they need to care for their children. For example, birthing centers in the Philippines that opened last year allow women easier access to receive medical care.

The centers are designed to provide comprehensive primary health care to cater to not only pregnant women, but also to women and children in general. And the facilities offer patients access to trained health care workers.

In Honduras, trained community staff, known as Guide Mothers, perform home visits and teach new mothers exercises for early stimulation to develop their child’s skills. Guide Mothers also provide follow-up health visits and cover the topics of immunizations, sanitation and safe water.

If you’re looking for a last-minute gift for your mother this Mother’s Day, consider a donation from our Gifts of Love & Hope catalog. When buying from the catalog, you can select an item in honor of your mother. When you do that, we’ll send her a personalized gift card to let them know of your thoughtfulness.

There are several items that can be bought to help mothers around the world – mosquito bed nets prevent women from contracting malaria; a head flashlight helps midwives assist mothers for safe, healthy births; and a water filter stops water-borne diseases from spreading.

For more information, visit and click on “Gifts of Love & Hope.”

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